Be the best version of yourself through the teachings of holy scriptures
Grooming ourselves is important and much needed. But, why are religious sermons or scriptures not commonly considered guides for personality grooming?
We humans are blessed with the most precious gift of intelligence. Unfortunately, we are not content with this and desperately desire the outer beauty. And, in this quest, we try to leave no stone unturned.
Since the last few decades, a new
‘personality grooming’ trend has been growing. People of all ages join various
classes based on the above-mentioned issues. Nowadays, many books address
these subjects and they are much in demand. Grooming ourselves is important and
much needed. But, why are religious sermons or scriptures not commonly
considered guides for personality grooming?
“Gentleness, silence,
self-restraint, purity are the disciplines of the mind,” said Bhagavad Gita.
Spiritual leader Buddha said:
"You too shall pass away. Knowing this, how can you quarrel?”
Sikhism founder Guru Nanak said:
“Speak only that which will bring you honour.”
The Bible said: “Love your
neighbour as yourself.”
Whereas the Holy Quran said, “Speak
to people kindly”.
These are just a few moral values
that can help in shaping our personalities. None of these are so difficult
that they cannot be incorporated into our lives. Why do we forget that all
the scriptures are for the betterment of mankind? The composer of the texts
possesses the most in-depth knowledge of human nature which no one has. Yet, we
tend to overlook these resourceful books that have been with us for ages. In my
understanding, this time of the year is best to discuss personality development
through divinity.
Why? Recently, we celebrated Ram
Navami with Eid-ul-Fitr which falls around the same time. How beneficial it
would have been if instead of just blindly following the rituals we tried to
understand and inculcate the teachings of both religions. With all due respect
to the ‘modern man’, I would like to raise a thought-provoking question. Why
are our personalities so tainted that they need outer grooming? Didn’t our
elders recite these soul-purifying texts to us since we were small? Of course,
they did. Then what is the missing link here? What went wrong that disconnected
us from our roots? Instead of following what our peers are doing, we must
introspect and try to find that missing link. That missing link is probably our
overconfidence and neglect of our basic values. All the divine scriptures
teach, guide and show us the right path. Most of us underestimate it because we
think that personality development is developing the appearance of the physical
self, which is wrong. You can’t look beautiful unless you have a serene and
calm soul.
A groomed personality helps you
gain acceptance and recognition from people around you. Your impressive
personality plays an important role not only in an individual's professional
life but also in their personal life. But, the idea is true only when the
personality is groomed in the true sense. Flaunting your trendy attire or being
affluent in a certain language does not make you well-groomed. Things can’t be
beautiful on the outside unless they are pure from within. And, this is where
our divine scriptures help us. These holy scriptures do not teach us the latest
fashion trends, but they show us a path to lead a morally rich life and set a
good precedence for our younger generations. Well, we all want to become the
best versions of ourselves, but many wonder if it is possible to attain this
perfection once we are an adult. The answer is, certainly, a resounding yes. Of
course, we can always find ways to improve ourselves. For most of us, this
answer will lead to more questions. However, the answer is simple yet
difficult. Let’s not forget that personal development is a lifelong process. It
helps you assess your life goals, allowing you to be proactive and take
charge of all your actions. If divine teachings are used as a tool to
carve your personality it contributes to both satisfaction and success in life.
To attain the best version of ourselves, it is important to recognise that we
already have the best guide with us—the holy scriptures.
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